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Pictures from The Long & Winding Road

The Long & Winding Road

A Racing Fans Commuting Tale.

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Posts Tagged ‘commuting’

Apr '11

Its been a long time.

Back on February 19th 2011, my car hit a milestone. It 4 years and 8 months old it hit 111,111 miles. That is 1984.125 miles per month, or 23,812.9 miles per year. A lifetime miles per gallon of 33.28. That’s 3,392.54 gallons of gas with  a total of $8,779.93 averaging $2.58 per gallon. Yes I […]

Sep '09

Some of the small things are really the big ones.

Every once in a while during the early morning commute, you get to see some truly incredible sights. This day was one of them. I was really glad to be awake for this one. The pictures hardly show how magnificent this sun rise was. And look almost no traffic.

Aug '09

How old is too old ?

A 75 year old women drive wrong way over Tappan zee Bridge. This is two weeks after the horrific crash that took the lives of eight people, including four children. The latest indecent brings up (again) the question od how old is too old to drive? This is a serious question, and one that is […]

Aug '09

Who picks it up?

I have been driving past this bumper cover for about a month and a half now.  It was left behind during a feirce thunderstorm.  The driver had lost control and nosed into the barrier.  When I passed by they were out of the car surveying the damage.  I’m guessing that they simply got back in […]

Jul '09

New Jersey is Giving Away Money

I’m not talking about the non-bid government contracts or no-show jobs that that the well connected are receiving.  This is real money that the average Joe can get their hands on. All you have to do is car pool to work for at least 24 days in a two month period. Dollar amounts go from […]