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Pictures from The Long & Winding Road

The Long & Winding Road

A Racing Fans Commuting Tale.

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Aug '09

Who picks it up?

I have been driving past this bumper cover for about a month and a half now.  It was left behind during a feirce thunderstorm.  The driver had lost control and nosed into the barrier.  When I passed by they were out of the car surveying the damage.  I’m guessing that they simply got back in the car and left,  leaving the bumper cover behind.

Seeing this, along with a miriad of other bits and pieces of various cars and trucks,  has got me wondering.  Who is responsible for picking this stuff up?

My first thought would be, in this case, the person that lost it. But what about bigger accedents?  I have seen lots of large bits and pieces left behind.   I looked on the NJ Department of  Transportation.  They have a place to report pot holes, sign problems, or deer carcasses.  No place to report road debris.  More then likely it is not the responsibility of the tow truck driver, or the NJ  State Police. Unless it is in a dangerous spot in the roadway, then I have seen the police moving it off to the shoulder, but not removing it.

I have also seen the signs along the high way stating this mile maintained by so and so, but that is a once or twice a year thing and how dangerous is that?

So I ask again. Who is responsible for all the junk along the high ways?


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